Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hari yg memenatkan~


progress my study : 90% only 10% left for examm and left a lil bit on fyp work ohhh

soon i will be graduate..(harap2 nya yaAllah)

soon i will leave UITM with very precious memory ;'T

soon i will be separated with my best ever friendss ;)

kwn yg tak tahu erti penat and bosan dgn ku..kwn yg byk nasihat and ajar aku pasal hidup ni..kwn yg selalu teman aku..

thanks korangg..yg paling aq ingt..time aq sedih mesti jumpe korang and trus happy..mase aq tgh hot dgn die, kte g mkn eskrem mcD..gelak2 heppy..hilang kejap ke 'hot' an aku mase tuu..

kte pernah maen same2...serius same2..ketawa bersama menangis bersama..uyoo cam lagu la pulak